viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Performing the piece...

After one semester of rehearsals and the making of the visual material.
We performed this piece the 26 of November 2010 in Don Aplonio, a gallery ubicated in the city of San Andres Cholula in the state of Puebla, MEX.

"Nuestros recuerdos animales en las jaulas de la ficción, nuestra espesura de los gestos instintivos, el instinto cadente en la decadente proyección. La deconstrucción irracional de la razón animal, la vacuidad recuperada como signo. Los animales de luz, los paisajes del rito, un puro devenir roedor, devenir conejo, devenir luz en las paredes del miedo. La persecución sonora del instinto, la danza, la danza de la ausencia, nuestra memoria de ayer en el diluvio ancestral, moverse con la muerte animal, la resurrección de la luz, las sombras arbóreas de la deyectud y la seducción, en el cielo tiempo de una dermis, de una jaula primordial" Eduardo Sabugal.

the pre investigation through photography

Photo by Kitzia Salgado
 Photo by Kitzia Salgado
 Photo by Kitzia Salgado

Photo by Kitzia Salgado

Photo by Kitzia Salgado 

Photo by Kitzia Salgado 

the begining.. our philosophy.

Photo by Kitzia Salgado

The process began with the idea of "transformation" and "manipulation,"
parting from 
the culturally and socially constructed self that we
build and maintain in our quotidian lives.
 How could I peal back this
construction to see the layers that formed my way of behaving, my
sense of what is right or wrong, what is normal and not normal.
If that exists as a reality, how could I explore a corporeal and
dynamic transformation.
How could i behave differently...
I declared myself a dancer some years ago, many years now, and I still
keep asking myself what is it really what I do.
Nada es Vacio, was born from this thought, from this point of
departure. I formed a team of 5 performers, 2 photographers and a
visual artist. Together we made this piece talk, we grew our concept
of visual dance, visual performance. That involves the image as one of
the channels of this escenic and bodily
discourse that is dance, that uses the screen as another body and
platform of changes, changes that are visible, transparent, clear. The
screen as a dynamic base for performance, as another participant in
the act of creating a space, an atmosphere.

We are mexican based artists, all living inside the same context,
living with the same cultural, political and social problems. We are
all affected by it one way or another, and though the act of the
visual performance we are able to speak about it. Issues such as
sexism, construction of gender, ecological matters, communal
relationships, social movements, and justice are translated into our
We work through this line of action, know¡ng we have the
responsibility that comes with living in this world, of changing from
the inside and from below into what we want to grow. We do not look
towards the people who have power; we look to the other side, making
art in response to what we feel as young mexican artists.

Nada es Vacio talks about the body, the being, the transparency and
vulnerability that comes with transformation and change.